How to create a space for kids to keep learning at home

How to create a space for kids to keep learning at home

How to create a space for kids to keep learning at home 

While it’s fantastic to watch your children learn and grow at school, most parents see the value of helping their children to continue learning at home. This can be done in a number of ways, with a seemingly infinite number of resources. After all, there’s YouTube channels, tv shows, toys, books, podcasts, and so much more, all aimed at helping to continue sparking your children’s imagination and love of learning, even after the school release bell rings. 

However, turning your home into a learning environment can be tough. After all, it’s a home, not a dedicated learning institution, and subsequently, used for much more than learning. But how can you create a space in your home where your kids can naturally continue learning and playing in a way that can even help them to do better when at school? Well, as the saying goes: If you build it, it will come! 

Favor quality over quantity

It’s not rare for kids to have piles and piles of toys. Birthdays, holidays, and “just because” gifts can definitely add up, and often, this can lead to a child not playing with most toys very often, or even to them forgetting that they have certain toys. So, why not choose quality toys that you know they’ll play with (and that will help them learn) instead of a bunch of toys that will likely end up thrown in a storage bin somewhere. Shop for toys that can help to challenge your child, keep them engaged, and teach them new things, even when playing at home. 

Limit electronics

Screen time can be one of the biggest hurdles when it comes to creating a learning environment at home. TV, tablets, and YouTube can all be great in small doses. But often, kids go to these as a first stop when it comes to entertaining themselves. Make it a point to limit the amount of time that your children have access to these. Not only will it help to drive them towards other toys and games that can better help their brains, it will keep them from getting into the habit of relying on screens first for entertainment. 

Give them space

Want to create a fun environment where your children can grow and thrive? Why not consider giving them their own little area of the house? Whether it’s a dedicated play room, or their room, make sure that there are mini tables or little storage desks, art supplies, learning toys, books, and whatever else you think will help to fuel their imagination and learning journey. Plus, with a single place that houses the majority of your children’s toys and activities, you may even find that your house is cleaner and less cluttered. A win-win if you ask us! 

Find the right tools 

Different children learn in different ways. And if you’re trying to create a place at home that’s conducive to learning, you’ll want to keep that in mind. For some kids, it’s books that catch their interest. Others, it’s art. And yet, for others, it’s taking things apart and putting them back together. Base the toys and learning tools you get for your child on their personal preferences, and what gets them excited about learning. By ensuring you’re prioritizing these types of items at home, your child will likely want to play with them more often, and hopefully, continue learning new things every day. 

Carving out a space at home dedicated to your child’s learning can sound intimidating. But by keeping a few things in mind, you can ensure your kids have a place they love to be, where they can continue to explore and learn outside of school. Not only helping them to do better in class, but helping them to grow as little humans.

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